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Look for the Good Project’s mission is to improve the lives of children by giving them access to social emotional learning programming which develops a healthy self-esteem.


We believe that many forms of adult violence, addiction, and relationship dysfunction boil down to unprocessed childhood trauma. Adult interventions are expensive, complex, and often “too little, too late”. This is why Look for the Good Project is focused on prevention. According to Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child, the single most common factor in children who are resilient to trauma is just one stable and committed relationship with a supportive adult. They state that “these relationships provide the personalized responsiveness, scaffolding, and protection that buffer children from developmental disruption. They also build key capacities—such as the ability to plan, monitor, and regulate behavior—that enable children to respond adaptively to adversity and thrive.”

Look for the Good Project’s purpose is to give children in K – 6 schools access to social emotional learning (SEL) programming using online materials, publications, school visits, and onsite installations. This includes providing training and educational opportunities to schools, and financially supporting students or teachers through our annual scholarship.

We specifically focus on these three key subjects in all our programming:

  • Healthy Relationship Building
  • Emotional Regulation Strategies
  • Healthy Self-Advocacy & Self-Esteem

We just received funding to develop a whole new program on resiliency which we will be rolling out this fall.